Where Did The Summer Go

Dayyam it's sub-zero out there this morning.

He wanted a fight but i told him where to get off, and he went off crying.

Anyway the whole not-feeling-my-finger's thing got me pining for the those heady summer days when spending half an hour de-thawing your nutsack after riding into work no longer seemed to be a preoccupation. 

So here's a lickle music for your aural orifice, a joint called Sunshine by british MC Yungun. It's basically his eulogy to the summer time, to those drawn out lazy days that seem so far from now and that fuckin loser Subzero's chosen habitat. When it's blazin squad outside you're out in it, so odds on he wrote this tune for mornings like this.

You know i love it right summer's like another life 
Everytime it comes it's like everyone in London's nice
They screwface all year but now they bust the wide smiles
N become polite wonder why muss be the Suuun-shine...
Wearing jus the white Tee to the club tonight
Come inside bet that ya smell Channel number 5
Everybody's on heat the tension's running high
Nothing quite like a little lovin on a summer's night

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